A Life Between Jobs

por Sabri

“So younger professionals, unlike older workers, are more willing to chuck it all away whenever things get to be too much, optimistic that they’ll be able to start over.” ¿No es un poco costosa la dinámica de “quemarse” y dejar todo para empezar en otro lado? En definitiva, este mecanismo de saturación y necesidad de alivio aceita el engranaje de un sistema cultural arraigado y no propicia el análisis de otras opciones de vida.

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  • Babu

    If life during job or study times is so boring perhaps a vacation is not the answer. What is lacking is a change of perspective. I mean, if we consider working as a part of our life, we shouldn’t leave work to enjoy a couple of weeks vacation only to come back and suffer, should we?

    15 de June de 2006 at 8:18 pm
  • Pablop

    This make me think about a light bulb, the change between job and vacation is like turn it on and off repeatedly… After a while, the light bulb burns out.

    15 de June de 2006 at 9:09 pm

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