Mothers Anonymous

This is a very interesting repository of unveiled fellings related to the dissatisfaction and unhappiness of the family life. But I fear that more than an inspirational place where people share experiences and eventually rethink their way of life, these kind of things can work as an escape valve that releases the pressure and help making family something more bearable.

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  • Pablo S.

    I agree with Roloc, all this statements might only feed the cinism, wich in many cases is the balsam of the own insatisfaction. You can easily imagine that after every statement, the desperate housewife who posted it could have added: “Ok, but this is it, and at least I ain’t alone”.
    Knowing that we are not alone generates the same effect as Prozac.

    Excuse my english.-

    2 de August de 2006 at 2:02 am
  • Rodri

    I consider that it’s very sad moment when one individual starts to see everybody is happier than him. I think it would be better to take his life and start doing something to stop feeling this way.
    Why is that everybody thinks everything has already been done and there’s nothing left to build?
    People act as if there was a kind of precipice behind everyday structures, and they were too afraid to look into…

    2 de August de 2006 at 2:39 am
  • Pabló

    I also consider cynicism as a crucial figure, if not how a person can admit soo openly and sincerely that is unhappy and not do anything to change it? The worst of all is that this atrocious cynicism only helps maintaining the tacit agreement between the culture and its institutions, spreading its influence no matter how useless they can be.

    2 de August de 2006 at 2:13 pm
  • Sabri

    Is interesting the recent appearance of places where people can express the things they don’t like of their lives, and where others can eventually discover them. I think that UrbanBaby is only a bit of the dissatisfactions this culture generates, there might be UrbanUniversity, UrbanSon, UrbanArtist… The problem starts when these spaces are only used for making catharsis.

    2 de August de 2006 at 6:36 pm
  • Joe

    “Perversely, this is a comfort: if there are no right choices, there are no wrong ones either”, says the author, resuming the essence of the cynical gesture.

    But she, also with cynic people, are missing a point, who says there are no right choices??

    There are, it’s just a matter of being imaginative enough, and being consequent to construct them.

    The long, useless catharsis in UrbanBaby is the result of not taking the time and the effort to look for, and work for the right choices.

    Still, it’s very important that UrbanBaby exists, as it’s a strong testimony against one of our culture most established taboos.

    3 de August de 2006 at 11:49 am
  • roloc

    “the Problem With No Name” the author says. Can´t be more right! In this culture things with no name are those which are not supposed to be discussed, or worse,
    those that shouldn’t happen. As Joe just said: all this matter is a big fat Taboo.

    3 de August de 2006 at 12:26 pm
  • Laura

    I agree with Joe. I also believe it’s important that places such as UrbanBaby exist, not only because it constitutes an irrefutable proof of what’s going on behind closed doors, but because hopefully through this medium new ideas can find their way out.
    A tool such as the Internet is already affecting our daily lives, so why not use it to discuss relevant things and develop related projects?

    3 de August de 2006 at 12:41 pm

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